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Auditory Integration Training

Auditory Integration Training can help with:

Poor Concentration


Hypersensitive hearing

Easily distracted


Poor working memory

Emotional difficulties

Auditory Processing Disorder (APD)

Speech & language difficulties

Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD)

Auditory Integration Therapy was developed by Dr Guy Bérard, a French ENT specialist. It re-educates the hearing mechanism by giving the muscles and reflexes in the inner ear a physical workout. It addresses the hearing pattern (Hypersensitive hearing, distortions and dyslaterality), and the vestibular (inner balance) system/sensory processing.

"Everything happens as if human behaviour were largely conditioned by the manner in which one hears"

Dr Guy Bérard

Hypersensitive Hearing

Many children have hypersensitive hearing, which leads to them being easily distracted by noises-making it hard to concentrate properly and more emotionally reactive.



Distortions are where not all parts of language are being heard at the same volume, making it difficult to decipher what is being heard.



There are different frequencies within words. If there is dyslaterality it can lead to a 'time lag' effect of certain phonemes entering the language processing part of the brain, distorting the order of words (eg. hearing 'act' instead of 'cat'), and leading to dyslexic type symptoms.

Please listen to Tom's testimonial after Auditory Integration Therapy

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AIT Programme

10 Day Programme

Customised modulated music for 30 minutes twice a day at our centre

"I am staggered at the immediate improvement in my daughter’s concentration and focus - thank you."

Somerset Mother, Febrary 2020

How does it help?

The Bérard method of Auditory Integration Therapy (AIT) helps reorganise the brain's processing capabilities. The specially designed stimulation of Bérard AIT provides intensity, repetition, and duration. This is the criteria for neuroplasticity to develop new neural pathways. Bérard AIT can improve connectivity in the processing system to the brain and body so that it can function in a well-integrated manner without becoming overloaded with disorganised information. It is specifically designed to quickly trigger improvements in auditory processing and sensory processing difficulties.


Please Note: These are not medical interventions and we are not medically trained.

Our experience shows that our clients have experienced improvements in social, emotional, behavioural or academic performance following our sensory therapies. However we do not claim to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, medical condition or any other physical or mental disorder and always recommend that clients consult their medical practitioners as appropriate and do their own research before commencing any of our therapies.

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