
Crystal Bowls Sound & Somatic Meditation Workshop
The sessions will be a mixture of QI Gong, Somatic Meditation and Sound Healing with Crystal Singing Bowls.
It is a change to slow down, slow down and take the attention inwards and tend to any exhaustion.
We will take time to connect to the body This simple act provides space for a resetting of the nervous system giving us an opportunity to a digest what is going on in our lives and release tension

An invitation to explore: to move, to play and to be still.
Reflexes create the building blocks for focus, attention, coordination and balance - both physical and emotional balance.
They help establish our sensory system, vestibular, proprioception, interoception, hearing, sense of touch and smell.
They even help us to be still.
We will be a small group - a maximum 6 people, exploring movement patterns in a comfortable room with time to move and time to be still.
We will finish with the Crystal Sound Bowls experiencing sound vibration throughout the sound receptors in the skin.
It's a chance to take some time for yourself and to connect to the body and mind of the reflexes.
Movement Workshops
Purchase tickets for our upcoming Workshops, Sound Baths, Talks & Retreats
How to improve learning & behaviour
in children with learning difficulties
How to improve learning and behaviour in children through looking at developmental movement patterns, the hearing and the gut.
Our birth and the reflex patterns of movement that we do as a newborn are just some of the things that profoundly affect our later learning potential and our readiness for relating to our internal and external environment. If these primitive reflexes aren't fully established or integrated it can affect us physically, mentally and emotionally. It can hinder our ability to learn, to focus and to find ease in ourselves. The good news is it's never too late to integrate these developmental patterns.
Arabella runs the Neuro Balance Centre in Castle Cary and works primarily with children with learning difficulties helping them to reach their potential. She is a Developmental practitioner, a Homeopath and a Mindfulness teacher and has over 20 years experience.
"Since his neuro-balance therapy his tics have all but gone, he's stopped chewing clothes and he's generally more relaxed. He no longer loses his place when reading and school have said how hard he's concentrating which is a real turn around from last 10 years of 'he lacks focus' reports! His handwriting has also improved massively and he's matured a lot in such a short time....The course has been life changing".